記事詳細 国内、国外で短歌の表現活動を続けています。現代短歌 歌人 北久保まりこ

北久保まりこ プロフィール


Tan-Ku共同創始者 Tanka Society of America
Tan-Ku Association President

Spoken World Live発表作品



歌人  北久保まりこ

James Evert Jones氏朗読イベント"Spoken World Live" にて朗読いたしました


James Evert Jones 氏のZoom Poetryイベント.Spoken World Live にFeatured poet としてお招き頂きました。



Zoomでの朗読は、コロナ状況下2年間に100回弱行って参りましたが、今回は主催者に「英語の部分しか解らない筈なのに、日本語のパフォーマンスで心情を揺さぶられた」と言って頂きました。 これは、対面での朗読時に常に私が心がけてきた〈自身が媒体となり、言語を超越する〉ことから得られる結果に他ならず、過去に幾度も頂いた有難いご感想でした。 魂から魂へ情感をダイレクトにお伝えでき、たいへん光栄でした。

James Evert Jones氏、そして参加されました 皆様、本当にありがとうございました。




15:17:48 Kathabela Wilson Yay Mariko.... traveling the world to us!
15:18:18 maxianne berger always love to see and hear you☺️
15:20:20 maxianne berger oh .. not a gourd ..
15:21:41 Phynne~Belle Oh my goodness, I could imagine Mariko and Edith Blackbird performing together…⭐
15:22:57 Akiko Yoshimura Beautiful Mriko’s world、clear sound and
15:23:29 Phynne~Belle The sensory experience here…
15:23:47 Kathabela Wilson borders are invisible to the universe....
15:24:01 Lynda V. E. Crawford ^^^
15:24:02 Kathabela Wilson deep and powerful.... angeltalk
15:25:24 Phynne~Belle …let me stay with you a little bit more…
15:26:40 Phynne~Belle “…silhouette of death…”
15:27:22 Kathabela Wilson powerful writing and feelings...
15:27:37 johnmacdonald This is so inspiring and moving
15:27:47 Kathabela Wilson love the couple of wings
15:29:06 Phynne~Belle …loving the waiting time...
15:29:56 Phynne~Belle …under the sky…like after my death
15:30:12 Kathabela Wilson under the sky like our memorie….
15:30:25 Carmen Durrani From Carmen Durrani
15:30:38 Carmen Durrani Very profund feelings expressed. ThaNKS
15:31:36 maxianne berger love hearing the small songs in Japanese .. and the emotion in the voice
15:31:54 Phynne~Belle …the night I escaped/from suicide…
15:33:12 Jeanne Nakano - El Camino College thank you everyone for you wonderful comments.
15:33:49 Kat703679habela Wilson love cherry blossoms... color me too..... and so powerfully placed in the sequence
15:34:23 Kris Kondo touched so deeply thank you Mariko
15:34:56 Lynne Bronstein This is a classic
15:35:11 Kathabela Wilson I am lifted into the spring sky!
15:35:43 Kathabela Wilson in the sky forever.... yes ,,,, your love for this is so clear... to be in flight
15:35:55 iPad carolyn fitz Such a visual story…from your expressive poetry ❣️ thanks for your invite today…
15:36:48 Phynne~Belle …where is God watching from…
15:37:18 David Lanoue 凄い! amazing! ありがとうございました!
15:37:26 Roxanne de Freitas I feel completely transported. Deep gratitude, Mariko.
15:37:30 maxianne berger tahnk you, Mariko [applause]
15:37:45 Lawrence Berger  Amazing M ariko!
15:37:47 Phynne~Belle What an amazing experience, Mariko!!!♥️♥️♥️
15:38:03 Kathabela Wilson yes, thank you for adding the tect!
15:38:05 Rose Hamilton Thank you for that prayer. So beautiful and important in these days
15:38:15 Mary Belknap I loved ‘you will and I will miss you”
15:38:36 Kathabela Wilson Mariko you speaking did carry themselves.... very clearly and strongly
15:39:14 Rose Hamilton Got a sense for the emotions and senses from the Japanese
15:39:16 Roxanne de Freitas completely transcendental
15:39:16 Lynda V. E. Crawford Mary, yes, that line “you will and I will miss you” is so compelling!
15:39:29 Marianne Szlyk Again, so much in so few words.
15:39:31 Kathabela Wilson wonderful James-- that you felt that-- the Japanese and the expressive poetry
15:39:32 Roxanne de Freitas definitely felt that soul to soul
15:39:42 Roxanne de Freitas Arigato Mariko
15:39:55 Kathabela Wilson wonderful Mariko
15:40:08 jbewilk1@mac.com beautiful reading, Mariko!
15:40:56 Lynda V. E. Crawford Mariko, you transported us to a world somewhere out in the universe. So soothing and poignant ♥️
15:43:35 Robin Wind-Faillace Very enjoyable readings! Thank you everyone!
15:45:25 Phynne~Belle True, true, and true.


